
INVISIBLE | the unknown between us

INVISIBLE: The Unknown Between Us
Hendra ‘Hehe’ Harsono and The Citizens of His La-La-Land

Invisible: The Unknown Between Us’ is Hendra ‘Hehe’ Harsono’s fourth solo. This exhibition can be said as a kind of a homage to the Cybergeek World that he feels so related to, the virtual world. Here Hehe creates a virtual world full of random ‘portraits’. The inspiration is based on his experiences working at the internet café and getting involved in the cyberworld.
The word ‘invisible’ is taken from the yahoo messenger application that allows users to hide their online status. ‘Invisible’ is not really about the technology of the cyber space but more about the relationships of people in it. Real relationships as in sharing, knowing and feeling which are real, but at the same time also invisible since we don't touch, have no physical contact or direct encounters. Hehe tries to make ‘The Invisibles’ visible, in his own way.
In short, ‘Invisible’ is a collection of fragmented sketches done in the way Hehe subconsciously defines this virtual world that he feels attached and also detached with. They are depictions of his La-La-Land*. This realm remains invisible, mysterious, and untouchable. Yet, it also opens lots of doors to undiscovered territories. Some are fearful with it, think of it as a distant dehumanizing, while some consider it as an escapade, an alternative reality to escape and get lost within.
Hehe embraces the invisible with friendliness and fun, a kind of acceptance and openness of new possibilities and potentials, while also still being aware of its ironies and distance, while moving on with his existence in the real world that can be the same on one side but also completely different on the other, in terms of absurdities and abnormalities.

Farah Wardani
Art Writer

opening exhibition pics:

for E-catalogue u can see at HERE

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