
Death by Rice

113 X 161 CM
Acrylic on Teakblock

In 1966, Indonesia was recorded as the largest rice importing country, President Soeharto through the agrarian revolution in 1984 Indonesia has become the country's self-sufficiency in rice. The early 1970s indonesia experiencing a phase of ' oil boom ', this fortune by Soeharto are utilized to build the supporting infrastructure for agriculture.  


Agrarian revolution run instructive nature, typical of military as well as Soeharto's background. the atmosphere of the Government as the master, the farmer as the subject who was defeated and his target was rice self-sufficiency. This success attracted the attention of the U.N. food and agriculture Agency (FAO) by giving the gold medal to the Seoharto.

Although this program is successful there are decent in terms of critics, such as the reliance on chemical fertilizers and pesticides, which cause damage to the ground and making pests more immune. extinct local varieties of rice that is already down because of declining use seed import/manufacture. Construction of rice as the number one cultural put other food (maize, Yam, cassava, sago) as inferior, causes us very dependent on rice. The violence occurred in community groups that refuse to run the system, with a series of accusations of anti development to be considered anti-pancasila.


The last few years we have known again as the country's biggest rice importer, to two after Philipines. Learning from the past, the food sufficiency was supposed to do with no detriment to the various parties.

"Death by Rice" becomes part in the exhibition artjog 14 - legacy of power.

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